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Transformation Prayer

What Is Transformation Prayer?

Transformation Prayer is a process that looks to God, through prayer, to reveal His perspective and truth.  The process is designed to help you to position yourself so that you might receive the truth that He has for you.  Transformation Prayer is about identifying the beliefs and things that we hold to that cause us to feel the painful emotions we carry (such as stress, fear, worry, anxiety, feeling alone, lost, helpless, powerless, out of control, depressed, rejected, etc.).  A ministry session consists of meeting one-on-one with a mentor (and sometimes a prayer partner) to pray together so that you can uncover the core beliefs that are causing the pain, and then receive God’s perspective.

Important Notes
  • Sessions must be set up at least 3 days in advance.
  • We strongly recommend signing up for 3 sessions.
  • Sessions take place at GCF Brenham.
  • Sessions are offered Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM, and Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM.
  • You will be contacted by a Transformation Prayer Team member to confirm your date, etc. prior to each session.
Session Registration